foto: Eddy Van Deun

Date of death
Today buried

NIEZNANY ŻOŁNIERZ (text on headstone is incorrect)

september 1944, Lapscheure, Belgium
Polish War Cemetery, Lommel, Belgium   

[About this Cemetery]

In the village of Lapscheure, Belgium, quite close to the Dutch-Belgian 
border, stood a farmhouse, where a Dutchman was farming. 

Shortly before the liberation of that region three Poles and an Austrian, 
all FOUR of them in German service, asked permission to hide themselves
under his wood-stack to be able to desert in doing so. 

By accident they were discovered by other German soldiers there. 
Later they were executed by a firing-squad, after having dug their 
own graves in a dike. 

The 3 Poles have been exhumed later and transferred to Lommel, where 
they lie buried now as "NIEZNANY ŻOŁNIERZ" to translate as 
"Unknown Soldier".